Sound + Energy
Meet me at the Altar of your Heart

Earth Medicine Ceremony
Activate your innate wisdom
Intuitive Sound + Energy Healing on an Amethyst BioMat*
Activate your innate wisdom 〰️ Intuitive Sound + Energy Healing on an Amethyst BioMat* 〰️
・Join me at an Elemental Altar for a check in and meditation.
・We open a circle of protection and invite in our guides and ancestors.
・Rest on an Amethyst BioMat* for a powerful 60 minute shamanic sound + energy healing.
・Return to the Altar to share, receive intuitive guidance and close the circle.
Earth Medicine Ceremonies are currently only offered as in-home privates. Please fill out the form below to schedule or to be informed of our next pop-up event (a weekend of private sessions at a selected location).
・This experience can be tailored for couples or small groups.
✧ Ceremonial blessings for celebrations, beginnings and endings of all nature. ✧
・Shifting awareness to the body through breath and sensation, quieting the mind.
・Grounding your energy in deep rest while stimulating your higher vibrational centers.
・Cleansing, balancing and aligning your energy centers and your auric field, leaving you with a deep feeling of rest and calm.
・Encouraging a profound connection to your intuition/higher self.
・Seeing your life through a clear lens, assisting you in resolving dilemmas, negative thoughts, etc.
・A BioMat is an infrared heat mat lined with amethyst stones.
・Infrared heat is capable of penetrating deep into the body. It gently elevates body surface temperature, activating major bodily functions and increasing blood circulation.
・Lying on an infrared heat mat has many benefits as it reduces inflammation and stress, thus improving immune function.
・Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is revered for its dual nature. It activates and enhances the creative mind while staving off hyperactivity and compulsiveness. It has a deeply calming effect for clear and focused action.
・Amethyst is known as the Artist’s Stone, vibrating the energy of success, imagination, intuition and ingenuity.

Breathwork Ceremony
Release tension and emotions with a dynamic Breathwork session
Release tension and emotions with a dynamic Breathwork session 〰️
・Available in person or virtually.
・A dynamic breathwork session. Receive energetic support via hands-on or distance Reiki.
・Session is accompanied with an intentionally curated soundtrack of high vibrational music.
・Ground back into your body with guided meditation.
・Overall feeling of lightness and well being.
・Releasing stress hormones from the body, promoting general hormonal health.
・Reducing, or even reversing, health issues related to chronic stress.
・Ability to process and heal trauma.
・Strengthened immune system.
・Strengthened respiratory system.

Private Soundbath
Organize a private soundbath for your home or office.
An immersive vibrational attunement: the frequencies and rhythms of the various instruments entrain your brain into theta or alpha brainwaves, which are consistent with meditation, deep relaxation or light sleep. In this relaxation, the mind and body let go of stress and anxiety, inviting in a natural state of healing.
A private sound healing ceremony in the comfort of your home or office.
A luxurious way to gather with close friends to celebrate an event or just because.
Sessions can be tailored to the preference of your group or to a particular celebration and will always include a full hour sound healing journey. How we open and close the journey can vary. We can sit in silence or chant; we can bring in a gentle yoga/movement session or some breathwork. Let’s discuss!
Over all, the gather can last from 90min-120min (not including set up and pack up).